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Matura 2017 z angielskiego. Tak należało napisać test!

Matura 2017 w ZS 1 w Tychach
Matura 2017 w ZS 1 w Tychach Witold Naglik
Matura 2017 z angielskiego. Większość uważa ten egzamin za najprostszy z całej sesji maturalnej. Żeby zdobyć 100 procent punktów, należało tak wypełnić ten arkusz.

Arkusz MJA-P1_1P-172 (wersja A)

Zad 1.1 (Charlotte will complete…) F

1.2 (Houseboat was cheaper) T

1.3 (Charlotte changed the size…) F

1.4 (friends helped her choose…) F

1.5 (Charlotte is looking for someone…) T

Zad 2.1 B – a policeman who found

2.2 C – gives an opinion

2.3 E – is a guide

2.4 D – describes…

Zad 3. 1 – C (at an airport)

3.2 – A (personal data…)

3.3 – B (a knee injury)

3.4 – C (talk to a person…)

3.5 – B (the shark wasn’t real)

3.6 – C (has been offered a job)

Zad. 4.1 F (a private event…)

4.2 E (a few rules…)

4.3 C (some local differences)

4.4 D (location…kept secret)

Zad 5. 1 B (was paid more when she did some extra work)

5.2 C (two married couples running a restaurant together)

5.3 A (encourages readers to be self-confident…)

Zad 6.1 C – a person he shared his apartament with

6.2 A – had the set covered with sand

6.3 D – It turned out that he couldn’t afford…

6.4 C – It was made of a delicate material


Zad 7.1 C – They made themselves dirty…

7.2 E – They promised they would be ready

7.3 A – However, the test turned out to be different

Zad. 8.1 B – wouln’t recognize

8.2 B – have

8.3 A – Instead

8.4 C – so

8.5 C – matter

Zad. 9.1 C – Tom is the best (…)

9.2 C – Mum told Judy not to (…)

9.3 A – Mike has been writing (…)

9.4 A – I don’t mind (…)

9.5 B – I’d like to talk to you

Zad 10. Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Hi everyone! Guess what happened last week!

Last week my aunt Annie, who works for the City Hall, gave me two tickets to a meeting with Tom Cruise in City Point. Me and my friend Kate went there and we were thrilled to meet our favourite actor.

I just loved how they had prepared the place for the occasion – City Point’s decorations were fantastic, the sound – loud and clear. What a spectacular job!

Tom gave a short lecture on acting in movies and after that he signed posters and DVD covers. I got his autograph on my copy of ‘Mission Impossible 3’.

In case you haven’t seen any ‘Mission Impossible’ movies yet – don’t hesitate: they’re all great action movies with interesting plots and famous actors. I recommend the third part – my personal favourite.

See you soon!


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